
Out My Backdoor: Location Critical for Bird Nesting Boxes

By Terry W. Johnson

In the real estate business it is often said the value of a property is determined by three things location, location, location. The same holds true for nesting boxes. Where you erect a bird house will determine what bird will nest there since all cavity-nesting birds prefer to nest in certain
habitats and will rarely nest anywhere else.

For that reason, try as we might, it is difficult to get an eastern bluebird to nest in a heavily wooded backyard or a screech owl to use a box in the middle of a large open yard.

YBC T-shirt Art Contest

Hey, kids! Would you like your artwork to appear on the annual Youth Birding Competition T-shirt? How about winning an Amazon gift card for free art supplies? Then plan on taking part in the Youth Birding Competition's T-shirt Art Contest! 

The 2024 YBC T-shirt Art Contest is closed. Please check back this fall for details about the 2025 contest.