Through education, research and management, DNR's Wildlife Conservation Section safeguards Georgia's native diversity of wild animals, plants and habitats while also encouraging outdoor enjoyment. We are pleased to offer a $1,000 grant to an elementary school teacher (K–5, including science specialists) who demonstrates exceptional energy and innovation in teaching life sciences.
Prospective teachers must use Georgia’s native animals, plants and habitats as the context for covering Georgia Standards of Excellence. Although this grant emphasizes life science, cross-curricular teaching is highly encouraged. Preference will be given to teachers who demonstrate creativity in project design and take learning outside, as well as projects that could not be funded otherwise. Teaching may take place in-person (on school grounds) or virtually (online).
To apply, submit a Word document or PDF with your contact information as well as answers to the point-weighted questions below regarding your proposed project to Anna Yellin at anna.yellin@dnr.ga.gov.
Read about the 2024-25 winner to see how she plans to use the grant!
2024 Grant Application Period
The 2024-25 grant application period is closed. Check back in summer 2025 to apply for the 2025-26 Conservation Teacher of the Year grant.
2024 Documents
Application Deadline: October 31, 2024 (e-mailed or postmarked by).
Send grant applications to Anna Yellin at anna.yellin@dnr.ga.gov or:
GA DNR WRD, Wildlife Conservation
“Conservation Teacher of the Year” Grant
2065 US Highway 278 SE
Social Circle, GA 30025
NOTE: By submitting a grant application, you agree to the following:
- I have not received the DNR Conservation Teacher of the Year grant in the past three years.
- My grant proposal promotes the understanding of Georgia wildlife, habitats and/or ecosystems.
- My grant proposal does not seek more than $1,000. Grant funds may not be used to cover transportation costs (buses, gasoline, etc.).
- If funded, I commit to follow-up communication with GA DNR Wildlife Conservation staff concerning the execution of this grant, including a brief final report. Media to accompany this report (photos, video, PowerPoint, etc.) is encouraged.
- I understand that adults must supervise participants during my project’s activities.
- My principal or director has approved this project.
- I have viewed the application’s scoring rubric (point-weighted questions) and understand the guidelines that will be used to score my application.
- If funded, I understand that a check will be made out to my school/organization. The winner will be notified by November 10, 2024, and funds awarded soon thereafter. Grant funds must be spent by May 31, 2025.
- If funded, I agree to submit a final report with all receipts due to DNR by June 15, 2025.