Teacher Guide to Georgia Sandhills


Teacher Guide to Georgia Sandhills CoverThe sandhill habitats of Georgia’s Coastal Plain are home to many rare species of wild animals and plants. To highlight this important landscape, its features and inhabitants, Georgia DNR and partners created the “Teacher Guide to Georgia Sandhills.”

This instructional resource is geared towards third- and fourth-grade teachers, although lessons may be modified for other grade levels and non-formal settings. Hands-on activities introduce students to sandhill ecosystems as well as hone decision-making and problem-solving skills. Lessons are adapted from Project WILD curricula and are correlated to Georgia Standards of Excellence for Science.

We hope you find the “Teacher Guide to Georgia Sandhills” both interesting and useful. Through education, we can increase awareness and instill appreciation for Georgia’s wildlife and habitats to ensure their conservation for future generations.

Questions or comments about this guide? Please contact Linda May, DNR Outreach Coordinator.

Teacher Guide to Georgia Sandhills (low-res)
The sandhills are severe dry habitats characterized by gently rolling hills and deep, coarse sands. This environment contains nutrient poor soil and the unique assemblage of plants that live here are adapted to the arid conditions. Most of the trees are small; shrubby oaks and pines dominate the landscape.

Take a walk with Burner Bob®, prescribed burner Shan Cammack, and their spunky fire ecologist friends as they visit The Fire Forest. Along the way, they meet many of Burner Bob®'s plant and animal friends who thrive when their longleaf home is burned regularly.