Join the WRD team! The Wildlife Resources Division of Georgia DNR offers internship and career positions.
DNR Career Academy
The Georgia DNR Career Academy gives students the opportunity to explore future career options, receive training and education, and make connections with current DNR employees. Attendees will work alongside field professionals and receive hands-on training from game wardens, park managers, and wildlife, fisheries, and marine technicians while traveling across the state visiting wildlife management areas, state parks, fish hatcheries, historic sites, and Georgia’s coast. This opportunity is only available for high-school students. Read more about the career academy and how to apply by visiting
Job Class Definitions
The Wildlife Resources Division has technician & biologist positions, which require different qualifications, degrees, and levels of experience.
The Wildlife Technician job series touches on all field aspects of managing DNR lands. Duties vary from maintaining roads to managing habitat through prescribed fire, helping citizens with nuisance wildlife issues, collecting wildlife research data, and responding to local and state emergencies. Skills such as carpentry and electrical, plus experience using farm and heavy equipment and collecting data, are useful.
In the field, a technician is generally someone who helps with data collection through a wide variety of sampling techniques (trapping, tagging, setting nets, electrofishing, etc.). Technicians also perform direct on-the-ground management activities such as raising fish in hatcheries, fertilizing lakes, and many other ongoing management activities. Operating and maintaining equipment and facilities is also a very important task for these positions.
The Wildlife Biologist job series involves field and administrative responsibilities. Duties include monitoring wildlife habitats and populations; planning habitat management on DNR-managed lands and waters; serving on committees guiding management of species or species groups; and, using public comment, data and sound management for regulatory and research needs. Biologists work closely with wildlife technicians on habitat management plans and field work. They help citizens with habitat and wildlife issues. Experience in research, data analysis, habitat management, GIS mapping, databases, and people skills are useful.
From the desk and in the field, a biologist is generally someone who studies and/or manages fish and their habitats. They develop and oversee management plans and activities carried out by technicians, provide technical expertise through environmental reviews, and share knowledge about fish populations through written articles or presentations.
Other positions available in the following job classes include administrative, communications/outreach, education and forestry.
Available Positions
All job openings are posted at
Bat Conservation Seasonal Technician
Posted 1/14/25
The Wildlife Conservation Section is offering 2 seasonal positions for summer-fall 2025. The employees will primarily be conducting acoustic surveys for bats throughout Georgia. Applicants must be willing to work for long days (> 10 hours) under physically challenging conditions (e.g., hot days/nights walking through mixed habitats). Activities will include collecting bat acoustic calls using the NABat protocol, downloading and organizing call data, and conducting call analysis using bat call ID programs and visual-
vetting. Other activities may include bridge and culvert surveys, bat mist-netting, other small mammal surveys and other work as needed. Travel to study sites will be by state vehicle, and travel expenses will be reimbursed. Lodging will be provided during surveys.
There are no internship offerings at this time.
What degree do I need?
Technician: Associates degree or higher in fisheries or wildlife management, or a related field.
Biologist: Bachelor's degree in fisheries or wildlife management, wildlife or fisheries biology, wildlife or fisheries sciences, or closely related field.
What courses do I need to take?
While many science degree programs may provide a solid background, students seeking a career as a wildlife biologist or technician should focus on management-related degrees or courses that provide the necessary training needed to successfully manage fish and wildlife populations and fish and wildlife habitats. Specialized degrees in wildlife or fisheries science typically provide more job-related training than general biology degrees.
If I don’t have a degree, what about experience?
For a technician position, completion of equivalent coursework (60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours) in fisheries or wildlife management or a high school diploma and two years of experience with WRD as a Technician 1.
*Technician 1 qualifications: high school diploma or GED and one year of biology
How do I apply for a full-time position?
DNR Vacancy Announcements are posted here every week:
How do I apply for a part-time position?
Though some positions may be posted here, the best option is to contact your local region office and speak with the region supervisor about opportunities. You can provide a resume which we’ll keep on file for future consideration. Find your local office at
What if there are no positions available?
Become a volunteer! Visit our volunteer page to get started: