Quota Hunts

About Quota Hunts

A Quota Hunt is a managed hunt that allows a set number of hunters to participate. A quota is placed on a hunt to protect natural resources (wildlife and their habitats), provide a high-quality hunting experience and maintain a high level of safety.

Quota permits are non-transferable; a drawn hunter may not give his/her slot to person who was not drawn.

New Selection Lottery Odds Report and Guidance for Understanding It: Beginning 2024, the selection Lottery Odds Report is updated to provide more transparent information about the quota process and to assist customers with their hunt choices and point allocation. View the Lottery Quota Odds Public Guidance for guidance on how to understand the new Lottery Odds Report.

Where & When to Apply

  • Quota hunt applications are submitted through www.GoOutdoorsGeorgia.com.
  • Applications for most hunt categories will be accepted beginning June 1 of each year.
  • Dog-bear opens August 1.
  • Applications for the following hunt categories open September 1:
    • rabbit
    • quail
    • youth small game
    • dog-deer
  • Deadlines vary depending on hunt category. Deadline is 11:59 p.m. (EST) on the dates listed. No applications will be accepted after the deadline for that hunt type. Only one application for each hunt category may be submitted.

Email Address

It's critical that your email address be in your account. Notification of the following will arrive ONLY by email:

  • your application has been accepted
  • you have successfully made changes to your application (hunt locations, group members, etc.)
  • whether or not you have been selected for hunt
  • important reminders and information about your hunt

You can log into your account at www.GoOutdoorsGeorgia.com and see hunts you were selected for and your priority points balance.

Priority Points

You may earn points for each hunt category (for example: deer, youth turkey, alligator) in one of two ways. You may submit a points-only application for the category, which gives you a priority point in that category that year, with no chance of being selected to go on a hunt that year. You may also apply directly for a hunt location/date within the category, which gives you a chance of being chosen to go on that hunt that year. If you are not chosen for that hunt location/date for that year, you will receive a priority point for that category that year. If you are selected for a hunt you apply for (not a points-only application), you do not earn priority points for that category. One priority point per category per year is the maximum you can earn. You may accumulate points across years.

You may wager priority points for a higher chance of being selected (priority points must be in the same category as the hunt you are applying for). For popular and low-quota hunts, you may need many years’ worth of points to be selected. Alligator hunts in some zones are an example. Check out the selection odds to see how many priority points were wagered by applicants of past years’ hunts to help you decide how many points to wager. It may take more points this year than it did in previous years.

If you are selected for a hunt location/date within a category, any points you wagered are subtracted from your points balance for that category. If you wagered more points than needed for selection, only the points that guaranteed selection are subtracted.

First, Second & Third Hunt Choices

For most hunt categories, you may specify a first, second and third hunt location/date choice. Do not specify second or third choices unless you are interested in attending those hunts, since there is a chance you will be chosen.

Hunters who are selected for their first hunt location/date within a category are considered to have no points for their second- and third-choice hunt selections. They are lower-ranked than persons competing for a hunt as their first hunt location. However, if all hunters who made a particular hunt location/date their first choice have been assigned to that hunt and there are spots left over, a hunter with that hunt as second choice in a category may be selected, too.

Group Members

For many hunts, you may add group members. Group applications are treated like individual applications, and all persons in the group are selected or not selected for a hunt. The maximum number of priority points that can be wagered for the group is determined by the group member with the lowest points available. For some hunts, persons selected may bring up to a certain number of hunters with them on the hunt. Please check the annual hunting regulations for detailed information about individual quota hunts.

Wheelchair Quota Hunts

Hunts specifically for hunters who use a wheelchair are held on some WMAs and National Wildlife Refuges. Please check the annual hunting regulations guide for specific areas and application procedures.

Youth Quota Hunts

Persons ages 16 and under may apply for youth hunts.

Quota Hunt Selection Odds

Note: Year indicated on each odds table is the quota hunt draw results from the hunting season starting August 15 in the calendar year indicated, and ending May 15 in the next year when turkey season closes. Examples of hunt odds that start in the year indicated and include hunts in the next calendar year include some Waterfowl hunts, and all Turkey hunts (Turkey Quota 2017 Odds Table indicates hunts occurring in 2018).

To view selection odds from previous years, go to our Legacy Quota Hunts page.

WMA Deer

State Park Deer

Youth Deer





Youth Waterfowl


Youth Turkey


Youth Quail


Youth Dove

Feral Hog


Youth Small Game

Application Periods

The annual application period for all hunts opens June 1, except rabbit, youth small game and dog-deer, which open September 1 and dog-bear, which opens August 1.

These are the annual deadlines for each hunt type and typically do not change from year to year. The official application deadlines are 11:59 p.m. (EST) on the dates listed below. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.

Quota Hunt

Application Period BeginsApplication DeadlinesApplication Restrictions
AlligatorJune 1July 15Application with up to 3 hunters allowed.
DoveJune 1August 15Application with up to 5 hunters allowed.
Youth DoveJune 1August 15Group applications with up to 3 children allowed. Selected children MUST bring supervising adults (one adult may supervise up to 2 children).
DeerJune 1September 1Application with up to 5 hunters allowed.
Youth DeerJune 1September 1Group applications with up to 5 children allowed. Selected children MUST bring supervising adults (one adult may supervise 1 child).
State Park DeerJune 1September 1Application with up to 5 hunters allowed.
Dog-DeerSeptember 1September 30Applications with an administrator and assistant administrator only. Selected administrator may bring a hunting party totaling no more than twenty members including administrators.
Dog-BearAugust 1August 15Applications with an administrator and assistant administrator only. Selected administrator may bring a hunting party totaling no more than ten members including administrators.
Feral HogJune 1October 15Application with up to 5 hunters allowed.
WaterfowlJune 1October 15No group applications. Selected hunters may bring up to 2 hunters.
Youth WaterfowlJune 1October 15Selected child may bring one other child and MUST bring only one supervising adult.
QuailSeptember 1October 15No group applications. Selected hunters may bring up to 2 hunters.
Youth QuailSeptember 1October 15Selected child may bring one other child and MUST bring only one supervising adult.
RabbitSeptember 1October 15No group applications. Selected hunters may bring up to 2 hunters.
TurkeyJune 1February 15Application with up to 3 hunters allowed.
Youth TurkeyJune 1February 15Group applications with up to 3 children allowed. Selected children MUST bring supervising adults (one adult may supervise 1 child).