The Georgia Department of Natural Resources purchasing policy is to follow all state policies.
Click here to access the DOAS Georgia Procurement Manual
PeopleSoft Financials / TeamWorks Access
Click here for PeopleSoft Financials Access
Order of Precedence
Click here for Order of Precedence information.
1.Is the item(s) or service(s) available from a Mandatory Statewide Contract (SWCM)?
2.Is the item(s) or service(s) available from a State Entity (Agency) Contract?
3. Is the item(s) or service(s) designated as mandatory from Georgia Correctional Industries or Georgia Enterprises for Products and Services?
4. Is the item(s) or service(s) designated as preferred products from Georgia Enterprises for Products and Services, Georgia Industries for the Blind or on a Convenience Statewide Contract?
- Georgia Enterprises for Products and Services
- Georgia Industries for the Blind
- Convenience Contracts (This is for quick reference only) (updated 3/4/20)
- DOT Aggregate Contract- DOAS has given DNR approval to piggyback off of the current DOT aggregate contract. There are three vendor on the contract and their contract information is located below. When placing orders be sure to let them know to give you DOT contract pricing. All pos should be coded ACP-approved piggyback purchase.
5. Is the item(s) or service(s) less than $25,000? If yes, bids are not required. However, DNR will be required to complete the telephone bid sheet listed below. This form should be kept with the purchase order.
* Be sure to include on the po: If for a service over $2500, include e-verify. If amount is over $3500, then include the Sam's search.
6. Is the item(s) or service(s) over $25,000? If yes, bids are required unless it is an intergovernmental agreement or Sole Source.
- Sole Source Form
- Sole Source Procedures
updated 03/2019
- Bid Forms
7. The item(s) or service(s) exceeds $25,000 and this is an Emergency. New 2/17/14
8. The service(s) exceed $25,000 and are exempt from the State Purchasing Act. New 8/16/19
These forms are to be used for ALL services $2500 and over
Contract Information
Click here for Contract Information.
Team Georgia Marketplace
Click here for Team Georgia Marketplace information.
Miscellaneous Information
- Tax Exempt Form
updated 7/8/19
- Information Technology Purchasing
- Radio Request Form
- Origins
- Check list for New/Transfer/Terminated Employees
Other Pages
- State Procurement Registry
- NIGP Exempt List- updated 6/19/14
- Search for Minority Vendors
- Minority Search - select minority, then scroll down
- NIGP - enter the NIGP Code (Refer to NIGP Code Search on the DNR Intranet Site to determine NIGP Code)
- Sort Criteria - select County as the sort order for the search
- From the Vendor Registration Page, click on Agency Search. NOTE: Do NOT complete all sections, only select the following areas.
- Search for Minority Vendors