DNR’s Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program Announces 12 Grants Funding Conservation Projects

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced the selection of the 2024-2025 Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program “Conserve Georgia” grants for conservation and outdoor recreation projects.

Selected applicants will now be invited to the second-level application, marking the final level of the application process for their proposals. This cycle will commit $24.6 million in funding to support local parks and trails systems and state-owned lands. These grantees have also committed an estimated $36.5 million to match grant dollars.

“By supporting projects aimed at the acquisition, development, and stewardship of local parks, trail systems, and conservation areas, we are not only protecting the natural heritage but also enhancing the recreational opportunities for our communities,” said Walter Rabon, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and Chairman of the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund Board of Trustees. “This investment will ensure that Georgians can continue to enjoy and connect with the outdoors for generations to come.”

The Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program is Georgia’s first dedicated funding source for the conservation of priority lands, the stewardship of state parks and wildlife management areas, and the support of local parks and trails. The competitive 2024-2025 grant cycle produced 36 submissions requesting a total of $69.3 million in funding. Eligible applicants included local governments, recreation authorities, state agencies, and non-profit organizations. The Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund Board of Trustees reviewed all projects and selected a slate of proposals, which was subsequently approved by the Board of Natural Resources and the Appropriations Subcommittees of the State House of Representatives and State Senate with oversight authority over DNR.

Of the 12 selected projects, five are by local governments and non-profit organizations for the acquisition, development or stewardship of local parks or trail systems. Four proposals are for the acquisition of conservation land by DNR, and three are for stewardship projects on state lands. The full list of Conserve Georgia grant awards is below. For more information about the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program and these grants, please visit www.gadnr.org/gosp.

2024-2025 Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program Selections

Macon-Bibb County
Ocmulgee Trail - Rose Hill Cemetery Connection; $1,000,000
Macon-Bibb County will develop and improve approximately one and half miles of pedestrian and multi-use trails, which will serve as an extension of the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail.
This project also includes Installation of pond overlooks and fishing platforms, improvements to the existing foot bridge in the Cemetery, conservation and restoration of ecologically damaged stream and pond areas within the Ocmulgee River Corridor, enhancement of the wetlands, and creation of a river overflow area to restore a freshwater pond for wildlife, and visitors.

City of Chattahoochee Hills
Expansion of Campbellton Park; $1,919,000.00
The City of Chattahoochee Hills seeks to acquire and preserve approximately 77.5 acres property including 0.65 miles of Chattahoochee River frontage to expand Campbellton Park. The proposed property has been identified as planned greenspace and would enhance access to outdoor recreation opportunities including fishing, boating, camping, hiking, and wildlife viewing. Campbellton Park is one of the two parks owned and operated by the City of Chattahoochee Hills that provides public access to the river.

City of Madison
One Mile Branch Preserve Acquisition; $1,272,000.00
The City of Madison seeks to acquire approximately an 80-acre property, conserve it as naturalized greenspace and create the 100-acres “One Mile Branch Preserve”. The project includes construction of approximately 1.3 miles of trail, and footbridge, installation of an ADA accessible fishing dock, development of two entry arbors, and parking area, and installation of interpretive signage.

Polk County
Santa Claus Mountain - Pinhoti Trail; $1,586,500.00
Polk County will acquire and preserve approximately 1,272 acres property known as Santa Claus Mountain tract which includes a 7-mile segment of the Pinhoti Trail. Additionally, this proposal includes development of five miles of new trails for mountain biking and hiking, construction of restroom facilities and parking area, and installation of utility infrastructure.
The Pinhoti Trail is a long-distance trail, that extends from Central Alabama into Northeast Georgia, offering 160 miles of recreational opportunities in the state of Georgia for hikers, mountain bikers, and horse riders.

City of Thomasville
Restoration in the Red Hills: Paradise Park; $3,000,000.00
The City of Thomasville will develop and improve the 24-acre Paradise Park, including the restoration of old-growth longleaf pine forest through prescribed burns, native planting, and stormwater mitigation efforts. Additionally, public access will be improved with the construction of ADA-compliant boardwalks, sidewalks/walkways, parking area, access roads, and accessible restroom facilities. The park will also feature an outdoor pavilion, playground, park amenities, educational kiosk, and enhanced landscaping.

Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division
Phinizy Swamp WMA - Thompson Farm; $3,000,000.00
Georgia DNR’s Wildlife Resources Division will acquire three contiguous tracts, known as Thompson Farm, located in Richmond County, totaling approximately 1,575 acres, to be incorporated into Phinizy Swamp Wildlife Management Area. The property contains 4.9 miles of river frontage and federally listed species. This acquisition will help protect riparian buffers on Savannah River, a high-priority area, and provide public recreational opportunities.

Department of Natural Resources, State Parks & Historic Sites Division
Benton Trust Acquisition - Panola Mountain; $1,759,890.00
Georgia DNR’s State Parks and Historic Sites Division will acquire approximately 180 acres of land, located in Henry and Rockdale Counties, at the northwestern edge of Panola Mountain State Park, known as the Benton Trust property. The expansion will create a protected riparian corridor, support endemic and threatened species, and prevent potential disturbances from residential or commercial development. It will enhance natural habitats and recreational opportunities while ensuring permanent conservation. 
Panola Mountain State Park is located within the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, and conserves unique granite formations of Panola Mountain.

Department of Natural Resources, State Parks & Historic Sites Division
Grizzard Tract Acquisition - Black Rock Mountain; $808,500.00
Georgia DNR’s State Parks and Historic Sites Division will acquire approximately 15.5 acres within Black Rock Mountain State Park, known as the Grizzard Tract. This project will protect the property from commercial or residential development while also safeguarding the critical habitats of the diverse wildlife species native to the area. Additionally, the acquisition will support preserving the scenic beauty of the mountain and enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities for the public.

Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division
Upatoi Ravines; $5,000,000.00
Georgia DNR’s Wildlife Resources Division will acquire over 9,000 acres of contiguous forested conservation land, located in Talbot County, in the headwaters of Upatoi Creek in the Chattahoochee River drainage. This property will become a Wildlife Management Area and provide recreational opportunities for the public. Upatoi Ravines is in the Significant Geographic Area of the Chattahoochee Fall Line Conservation Partnership, and near Fort Moore Army Post. This acquisition will conserve high priority, at-risk species, by permanently protecting high quality habitats.

Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division 
Habitat Restoration on State Lands, Phase 4; $993,651.00
Georgia DNR’s Wildlife Resources Division will conduct large scale habitat management practices on multiple state-owned properties with restoration efforts focusing on longleaf and slash pine savannas and flatwoods, as well as bottomland hardwood swamps; habitats critical for maintaining healthy populations of many imperiled and high-priority wildlife species. The scope of the project includes reforestation, stand improvements, invasive plant species treatments, prairie restoration, and hardwood control.

Department of Natural Resources, State Parks & Historic Sites Division 
Waterway Trail Improvements - Stephen C. Foster State Park; $1,259,860.00
Georgia DNR’s State Parks and Historic Sites Division will make boating access improvements at Stephen C. Foster State Park. Stephen C. Foster State Park is a primary entrance to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, the largest blackwater swamp in North America. The project will replace the existing bulkhead in the boat basin, which has severely deteriorated. Additionally, a new ADA-compliant kayak launch will be installed, providing the only ADA accessible launch into the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. These improvements will prevent severe ecological damage from occurring while improving safety and boating access for the public.

North Georgia Mountains Authority 
Amicalola Falls Day-Use Area Renovation; $3,000,000.00
The North Georgia Mountains Authority will enhance and rehabilitate heavily used recreation areas at Amicalola Falls State Park, including the development and improvement of pathways, public restroom buildings, playground area, amphitheater, picnic shelters and tables. Additionally, the project scope includes protection of the stream buffer along Little Amicalola Creek tributary by removing invasive species, and planting native vegetation to stabilize soil, reduce erosion and control sediment loss.
Featuring the tallest cascading waterfall in the Southeast, and a key access point to the Appalachian Trail, Amicalola Falls State Park is one of the premier eco-tourism destinations in the South. The proposed improvements would enhance visitor experience while preserving the park’s natural resources.


The mission of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is to sustain, enhance, protect, and conserve Georgia's natural, historic and cultural resources for present and future generations, while recognizing the importance of promoting the development of commerce and industry that utilize sound environmental practices. For more information, please visit www.gadnr.org.

The Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act was approved by the Georgia General Assembly in 2018 and later overwhelming approved by Georgia voters with 83% support and became the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program (GOSP). This is the state’s first dedicated funding mechanism to support parks and trails as well as protect and acquire lands critical to wildlife, clean water, and outdoor recreation across the state of Georgia. Since the program’s establishment in 2019, GOSP has allocated over $117 million of funding to 62 conservation and outdoor recreation projects across Georgia. Grantees have committed more than $201 million to match these grant funds, for a total investment of more than $318 million.

For more information, contact
Trevor W. Santos, Deputy Commissioner – 404-656-3505 – trevor.santos@dnr.ga.gov