DNR: Clean Feeders Save Birds


As spring nears and the weather warms, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is reminding Georgians that clean bird feeders mean less health risks for birds.


During spring and summer, sick birds are occasionally reported in backyards across the state. A common denominator in these incidents is feeders and feeding areas that have not been cleaned regularly.

Birds are at risk from a variety of diseases that can flourish when birds flock to neglected feeders. DNR wildlife biologist Todd Schneider said the public can help by cleaning their feeders. “A hygienic bird feeder can reduce the risk tremendously.”

Conditions in and around feeders help spur sicknesses varying from conjunctivitis to avian pox. Bacterial diseases are transmitted orally and through the accumulation of fecal matter beneath feeders. Birds infected with salmonellosis, the disease caused by the bacteria salmonella, often act lethargic and are easily approached, although other infected birds may show no symptoms. 

Birds with conjunctivitis have crusty-looking eyes, may lose their sight and often remain perched on feeders even when approached.

Fungal infections such as aspergillosis, which can cause respiratory distress in birds, are often the result of a buildup of wet and moldy seed hulls beneath feeders.

Avian pox causes wart-like lesions on a bird’s face, legs or feet. More severe cases can cause lesions in the throat, compromising the bird’s ability to breathe, eat and swallow, and sometimes leading to secondary infections. Avian pox can be transmitted from bird to bird by mosquitos, as well as between sick and healthy birds at feeders.


Where bird feeders, feedings areas and even birdbaths are concerned, these and other debilitating illnesses can often be prevented with proper, routine hygiene. Schneider recommends the following:

  • Always wear protective gloves and a mask while cleaning feeders, feeding areas and bird baths. Also wash carefully afterward.
  • Clean feeders weekly using a 10-percent bleach solution – one part bleach to nine parts water – and then rinsing them thoroughly. After washing, let the feeders dry completely.
  • Rake up bird seed, hulls and fecal matter beneath feeders two or more times a week. The matter can be buried or put in a plastic bag and disposed with household waste. Wearing a mask will help avoid inhaling fungal spores stirred up by raking. 
  • If you have multiple feeders, space them out to help limit gatherings of birds. With highly pathogenic avian influenza (commonly called bird flu) present in wild birds, avoid placing bird baths and feeders in proximity to domestic poultry. (For more on avian influenza, see https://georgiawildlife.com/sick-injured-or-orphaned-wildlife/avian-influenza.)
  • Move feeders regularly. A move even 20 feet away lowers the risk of disease transmission. 
  • Empty and clean bird baths every two days when bird visitation is heavy. This also discourages breeding mosquitos from using the bath water. 
  • Do not handle wild birds that are obviously sick or found dead. If only a few dead birds, the carcasses can be disposed by burying them a foot or more deep. To report a large number of dead birds – such as five or more at one feeder over a day or two – please see below. 

What to do if you or neighbors see sick birds at your feeders? Schneider said you can help prevent the spread of disease by taking down the feeders for a week, which will encourage birds to disperse.

He also noted that “not all bird feeders are equal.” “Plastic and glass feeders are significantly more sanitary and easier to clean than wood feeders, which can absorb moisture.”

For more on feeder bird-related diseases, visit https://feederwatch.org/learn/sick-birds-and-bird-diseases.


Cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry and other domestic birds as well as in some wild birds and other animals throughout the U.S. and Canada have raised concern about possible impacts on songbirds.
Research suggests that avian flu is unlikely to become widespread in songbirds except for scavenging species such as crows and possibly only in areas where the risk of transmission is higher, such as near infected poultry facilities or gatherings of infected waterfowl such as ducks and geese.


While a single dead bird is seldom cause for alarm, many dead birds in one place can signal a problem.

  • Report multiple dead vultures, crows, waterfowl (ducks and geese), waterbirds (such as cormorants, pelicans, herons and egrets) and shorebirds (ex., gulls, terns, sandpipers, plovers) seen at a single site to https://georgiawildlife.com/report-dead-birds. Also report individual dead or sick birds of prey, such as eagles, hawks, falcons, owls and osprey using that online form. Please observe these incidents only from a distance to avoid transmitting disease. Keep pets such as dogs and cats away from bird carcasses, as well.
  • Report multiple dead songbirds or other species not specified above by contacting 1-800-366-2661, a local DNR office (https://georgiawildlife.com/about/contact) or todd.schneider@dnr.ga.gov. DNR can provide guidance as needed for these situations.


DNR’s Wildlife Conservation Section works to conserve songbirds and other wildlife not legally fished for or hunted, as well as rare plants and natural habitats. The agency does this largely through public support from fundraisers, grants and contributions.

Key fundraisers include sales of the eagle and monarch butterfly license plates, as well as annual renewals of these and the ruby-throated hummingbird tags. These plates cost only $25 more than a standard plate to buy or renew. Up to $20 of that fee goes to help wildlife.

Supporters also can donate online at https://www.gooutdoorsgeorgia.com. Click “Licenses and Permits” and log in. (New customers will need to create an account.) Learn more at https://georgiawildlife.com/donations. Visit https://georgiawildlife.com/conservation/annualreport to see how your support is put to work.
