Georgia Saltwater Game Fish Records

Elizabeth Zeagler with Gray Triggerfish

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About the Georgia Saltwater Game Fish Records Program

The Georgia Saltwater Game Fish Records Program exists to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of anglers who catch a record-setting fish in the salt waters of the state. Applications are reviewed by a team of Coastal Resources Division staff that includes the program coordinator, marine biologists, the Chief of Marine Fisheries and the Division Director. Successful applicants receive a certificate recognizing their accomplishment signed by the Governor of Georgia, Commissioner of Natural Resources, and Division Director. Record holders names are added to the CRD website and published in the annual Georgia Fishing Regulations Guide. 

Angling rules associated with Georgia's Saltwater Game Fish Records Program are patterned largely after saltwater rules established by the International Game Fish Association. Subtle and obvious modifications, such as the lack of line classes in Georgia regulations, do exist. Each angler should carefully review each set of rules to discern these differences.

Only fish landed in accordance with program rules outlined below and within the intent of these rules will be eligible for status as a Georgia Saltwater Gamefish Record. Like IGFA, the Georgia program is designed to recognize not only the fighting abilities of fishermen and their quarry, but also to promote ethical, sporting angling practices and a greater appreciation of coastal resources.

In light of these considerations, each angler must determine whether his or her achievement reflects the intent and the spirit of these standards. Rules alone cannot ensure that angling experiences equal the catch, or vice versa.

Applicants must have a valid Georgia fishing license and Saltwater Information Program permit to be considered.

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