BRUNSWICK, Ga. (Oct. 24, 2019) -- The Georgia Coastal Management Program (GCMP) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division (CRD) is pleased to announce the availability of grant funds for projects that further the objectives of the program. Since 1998, the GCMP has administered a program to provide federal financial assistance to eligible applicants to protect, manage and restore coastal communities and habitats; restore coastal historic structures; revitalize urban waterfronts; and increase recreational opportunities along Georgia’s coast.
Pre-applications and all supporting documentation must be received at the CRD Headquarters by 4:30pm, Friday, December 6, 2019. Eligible applicants include State governments (except GA DNR), qualified local governments; and State colleges, universities and research institutions. Eligible projects must be physically located within at least one of the eleven (11) designated Georgia counties within the Georgia Coastal Management Program (GCMP). Projects which are regional in scope or which partner with multiple counties must be physically located within the GCMP eligible county area that includes Brantley, Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Charlton, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, and Wayne.
Coastal Incentive Grant (CIG) funding themes include: 1) GCMP Directed Project 2) Access to Coastal Resources 3) Secondary and Cumulative Impacts to Coastal Natural Systems 4) Education Programs 5) Coastal Non-point Source Pollution 6) Performance Indicators for the GCMP.
CIGs are reimbursement grants with contracting periods of 12 months (deliverables must be completed within the time period of October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021). The eligible maximum award amount will be $80,000.00 (theme related) with a matching requirement of 1:1 non-federal match required.
Eligible entities are encouraged to take advantage of the funding opportunities available through the CIG program. They are encouraged to take an active role in balancing the economic development in Georgia’s coastal area with the preservation of natural, environmental, historical, archaeological, and recreational resources for the benefit of Georgia’s present and future generations.
To download an application packet, or for additional information please log on to the CRD web site at https://coastalgadnr.org/CIGApplying or contact Jan Mackinnon at 912-264-7812.