Berry College Eagle Cam

Location: Berry College, Mount Berry

These cameras focus on a bald eagle nest in a tall pine tree near the Cage Center on Berry College's 27,000-acre campus in northwest Georgia. Nesting activity typically occurs from fall through April–May.

This season, although adult and juvenile eagles have visited the nest, no pair had nested as of mid-February and it appears none will.

Looking Back

2023-24: The female laid two eggs in December, one on the 8th and another the 11th. Both eggs had collapsed as of late January. Bucking the trend of bald eagles not having second clutches, the eagles had two more eggs by mid-February. However, only one hatched and eaglet B17 died April 10. (The eaglets are numbered from when the cam project began in 2013.)

2022-23: The pair had two eggs in December. The first hatched January 21. The second egg was nonviable and did not hatch. Eaglet B16 grew fast and fledged on Easter morning, April 9. 

2021-22: The same couple as in 2020-21 returned. The female laid an egg December 5 and another December 8. One eaglet hatched January 13. The second egg did not hatch and was deemed nonviable. On March 31, the juvenile fledged .

2020-21: In the fall, a new female appeared with what appeared to be the male that had used the site for years. An egg was laid New Year's Day and another January 4. One hatched February 10. Unfortunately, the new mom did not feed the eaglet regularly and left it uncovered during wet, cold weather. It died about two days after hatching. The second egg was nonviable and did not hatch.

In 2025, Berry College switched from Livestream to Vimeo for streaming the nest. The cams are equipped with infrared technology to allow viewing at night via a light spectrum the eagles—and humans—cannot see.

Visit Berry eagles FAQ for more nest history.

Camera provider:

Berry College logo

More Information

Learn more about bald eagles, or explore nesting survey details in the Wildlife Conservation Section's annual report.

Keep the Berry College cams streaming!

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