IT Issues and Problems -- Before You Call The Service Desk

The Need-to Know Summary:

Please save and print this "GETS Services Guide" PDF file and refer to it when you need to know what to do for your IT-related issues and problems.  There are completely separate procedures for dealing with something that needs to be fixed or repaired versus something that needs to be added or changed.

You can skip the "Details" section below if you wish, but print and read the "GETS Services Guide" PDF file and keep it handy for future reference.

The Details:

There has been some confusion in DNR about how to go about requesting new software, services and equipment, or having changes made to existing software, services and equipment. (Such changes are known as an IMAC -- Install, Move, Add, Change.) Some DNR Associates have mistakenly called the Service Desk to request that such things be done.

You call the Service Desk only when you have a problem that needs to be fixed -- such as no network connectivity, a computer that crashed, or software that stopped working.

You do not call the Service Desk if you need something added or changed -- access to another printer or new software installed on your computer.

Many DNR Associates who called the Service Desk to request what should be an IMAC have become frustrated when the requested work did not get done.

There is a failure at the Service Desk level concerning this because the Service Desk personnel should have told DNR Associates the correct way to go about making an IMAC request. They did not. Instead, Service Desk personnel would take and enter information from the DNR Associates into the IBM tracking system (also known as Maximo), which would generate an IMAC ticket that would sit unnoticed, sometimes for weeks.

The DNR Associates would assume they had done what was proper, requesting whatever they needed. After all, the Service Desk gave the caller a ticket number, right? So DNR Associates were being given a false sense of accomplishment, when in fact nothing was really happening.

This is the way this is supposed to work: Any request for new software, services and equipment -- or changes to existing software, services and equipment -- needs to be entered as an order in the GETS Order Now! system. Only then is the IMAC created and the work scheduled for completion.

It is an IMAC order placed in the Order Now! system that creates the ticket, not the other way around. Calling the Service Desk to create an IMAC will never create an order in the Order Now! system.

This "GETS Services Guide" PDF file contains details of what to do for various requests. Please save and print this PDF file for your reference when you need to know what to do for your IT-related issues and problems.

That being said, you probably are wondering who do you contact to place an order in Order Now!

You can find an alphabetical list of people who can place and approve orders in Order Now on our DNR Intranet at this link:

Consult your applicable division representative to place an order in Order Now!  They can also help you determine which course of action to take if you have any questions.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. If you read this far, thanks for taking the time to do so!