The Clean Vessel Act (CVA) of 1992 is federal legislation signed into law to establish grant funding for the construction of pumpout and dump station facilities that will provide for proper disposal of human sewage from recreational vessels operating in both fresh and saltwater areas of the United States. The CVA grant program is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) through individual state agencies and has awarded nearly $260 million for projects nationwide since its establishment.
Funding for grants is through the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund. The fund accumulates revenue through excise taxes on sport fishing equipment, electric trolling motors, and sonar equipment; import duties on fishing tackle, yachts and pleasure craft; gasoline tax attributable to motorboats and small engines; and interest on the fund.
Eligible Grant Activities
- Education/information programs to educate/inform recreational boaters about the environmental pollution problems resulting from sewage discharges from vessels and to inform them of the location of pumpout and dump stations available to boaters.
- Construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of pumpout and dump stations, including floating restrooms, not connected to land or structures connected to the land, used solely by boaters.
- Activity necessary to hold and transport sewage to sewage treatment plants, such as holding tanks, piping, haulage costs, and any activity necessary to get sewage treatment plants to accept sewage, such as installing bleed-in facilities.
Ineligible Activities
- Activities that do not provide public benefits.
- Enforcement activities.
- Construction/renovation of upland restroom facilities.
- Construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of on-site sewage treatment plants, such as package treatment plants and septic systems, and of municipal sewage treatment plants for primary and secondary treatment.
Grant Funding Requirements
- Funded facilities must be open to the public where users have full and reasonable access.
- Signage to direct boaters to a pumpout must be visible from the water.
- Pumpouts should be located to allow easy access and use by all boats typical to that marina.
- Default maximum charge of $5 per pumpout is mandated unless the need for a higher fee has been proven and approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in writing.
- Facilities must be open during reasonable hours.
- Pumpout facilities shall be operated, maintained, and continue to be reasonably accessible to all recreational vessels for their useful life.
Apply for Grant Funding
Grants are administered through respective State Agencies only. Georgia freshwater applicants can download and complete the following form for Clean Vessel Grant funding:
Guidelines regarding the application for funding are covered in the following documents:
Additional information regarding the Clean Vessel Act Grant program is available at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website.