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Coosawattee's rare ranking
* International aid for
red knots*
Strawberry bushes forever
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conservation license plate.
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tax checkoff.
Donate directly to the Nongame Conservation Section.
Or, donate in honor of someone, and have a card recognizing the gift sent to them! Each option supports the Nongame Conservation Section, which receives no state funds to conserve Georgia’s nongame wildlife, native plants and natural habitats. Details: (770) 761-3035.
WILD Facts
Frogs are cold-blooded or
ectothermic, which means their body temperature matches their surroundings. For example, if its 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside, a frog’s body temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. What happens to these amphibians on cold winter days? To escape deadly frost, frogs seek shelter in mud, logs, rock crevices, leaf litter and even in clay pots. Their metabolism drops along with the temperature, to the point that they may appear dead and the water in their bodies may freeze. However, some frog species make
extra glucose that acts like antifreeze to protect sensitive tissues, helping them to survive until warmer weather returns.
In educationSign up your school club, Scout troop or other group for the 2010 Youth Birding Competition. The 24-hour event set for April 23-24 pits similar-aged teams in a fun, statewide contest to count the most birds. Amateur or experienced; all kids are welcomed!
Download the 2010 registration brochure here.
D.C. talk
A big-snake bill approved early this month by a U.S. Senate committee would bar imports and interstate trade of nine large constrictors, including
Burmese pythons.
S. 373, by Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., also targets northern African python, southern African python, reticulated python, boa constrictor and green, yellow, Bolivian and DeSchauensee's anacondas. "As steward of our country's vast public lands and natural resources, we have to deal with the threats posed by invasive species," Nelson said in a statement. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
approved the bill. Florida Congressman Kendrick Meek, D-Fla., has filed
similar legislation in the House. Burmese pythons are established in South Florida.
Everglades estimates vary from 5,500 to 137,000 snakes.
More on big snakes in the U.S.Ranger reports
Looking back: From July 2007-June 2009, Wildlife Resources Division officers investigated 24 violations involving nongame species. Violations varied from taking and possessing protected species to possession of wildlife without a rehabilitator permit. Species involved: gopher tortoises; red-tailed and Cooper’s hawks; black rat and Eastern milk snakes; alligator snapping turtles; and, cowbirds, pileated woodpeckers, brown thrashers, turkey vultures and red-winged blackbirds. The summary will be part of an upcoming two-year report for the Nongame Conservation Section.

Up close
Loggerhead shrikeLanius ludovicianus
Also called: French or Spanish mockingbird, butcher bird (the genus name Lanius is Latin for “butcher”), thornbird.
Family: Belongs to the family Laniidae along with 73 other bird species, but the loggerhead shrike is the only member that exclusively occurs in North America.
Key characteristics: Medium-sized songbird, about 9 inches long from head to tail tip with a 1-foot wingspan. Gray crown and back with black and white wings and white underparts. Sports a black mask that starts at its stout, hooked bill and extends just past the eye. Somewhat similar to the
northern mockingbird, but loggerhead shrikes are chunkier, appear to have no neck, and have different feather patterns of gray, black and white. Males and females look alike.
Shrike on video.
Range: Year-round resident across the southern U.S. and most of Mexico. Breeds from the Canadian border and the Great Plains south to Florida and southern Mexico. In Georgia, the loggerhead shrike breeds locally and in low numbers throughout the state except in the
Blue Ridge Mountains and the greater
Okefenokee Swamp. Greatest abundance occurs in the
Coastal Plain, with fewer birds in the
Piedmont and other northern ecoregions.
Habitat: Old fields, pastures and orchards with shrubby edges, isolated trees, thorny vegetation and barbed wire fences; sometimes near mowed roadsides, golf courses, open woodlands and wetlands. May also live in mature longleaf pine savannas.
Eats: Mainly large insects; also rodents, small birds, small reptiles and amphibians. Typically searches for food from a perch (no more than 5 meters above the ground), drops down to stun its prey with a quick pounce, and swiftly carries the prey to a thorn or barbed wire to impale it. May also wedge prey into the fork of a tree to hold it captive. The hook on the upper mandible severs the victim’s spinal cord and is used to tear away small pieces for eating.
Sounding off: Song is a repeated shrill that resembles a rusty hinge swinging back and forth or a high-pitched hiccup. Call is a series of harsh screeching notes. (
Breeding behavior: Builds bulky nests 5-30 feet above the ground in trees or shrubs with thorns or dense foliage. Both sexes collect material (including twigs, grasses and animal hair), but the female does most of the building. Lays four to six eggs that are incubated by the female for about 16 days; male feeds his mate during this time. In Georgia, first brood is laid in late March or early April, typically with a second brood in late May or early June. Nestlings fledge at 17-20 days old (later than most songbirds).
Current status: Once abundant throughout its range, populations have declined drastically over the past 30-40 years. In the Southeast, numbers declined by 4.5 percent every year from 1966 to 2005.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated the loggerhead shrike as a Migratory Nongame Bird of Management Concern in 1987. Although this species is not listed as threatened or endangered in Georgia, it is a
State Wildlife Action Plan priority.
Threats: Causes of decline are poorly understood but most likely include habitat loss, fragmentation and alteration, as farms disappear and remaining farms are consolidated into larger fields with fewer hedgerows. Pesticide use limits food availability and subsequently decreases clutch sizes.
Bioaccumulation causes eggshell thinning in some populations. Inclement spring weather sometimes causes nest failure. Predation (by cats, coyotes, black rat snakes, etc.) and increased roadside mortality also play roles in this species’ decline.
Conservation: Habitat restoration currently is encouraged through the
Farm Bill and
Georgia’s Bobwhite Quail Initiative. Reducing the use of
organochlorine pesticides on farms may help increase numbers, too, as will keeping domestic cats indoors and reducing feral populations.
Sources include: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon, Birds of Georgia, Georgia Breeding Bird Atlas, DNR Loggerhead Shrike Survey, USFWS Loggerhead Shrike Status Assessment, Peterson Field Guide to Birds’ Nests, Wikipedia
Nongame in the news
The Weekly (Duluth): "
Donated conservation easements protect 21,000 acres along critical state waterways," Georgia Land Conservation Program announcement about easement additions topping 21,000 acres. (Dec. 15)
Ocean Zone News (blog): "
Navy expresses concern about proposed manatee protections," about possible impact of expanded critical habitat in Florida, southern Georgia on military bases. (Dec. 14)
Rome News-Tribune: "
Nature Conservancy buys land adjacent to Little River Canyon," about group's $2.6 million purchase of nearly 2,200 acres atop Lookout Mountain, beside Little River Canyon National Preserve in Alabama's Cherokee County. (Dec. 14)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "
Beth Callaway championed wildflowers with Lady Bird Johnson," obituary about noted Georgia advocate of native plants. (Dec. 11)
St. Petersburg Times: "
Female whooping crane migrating to Florida is shot, killed in Indiana," about death of matriarch of first crane family taught migration by following an ultralight. (Dec. 11)
Chattanooga Times Free Press: "
Daunting threat to save timber," about threat of hemlock woolly adelgid in southeastern Tennessee and northern Georgia. (Dec. 7)
Florida Times-Union: "
Former Georgia Rep. Harris gets DNR's top award," about 2009 Rock Howard Award recipient Reid Harris of St. Simons, who championed legislation like Coastal Marshlands Protection Act. (Dec. 4)
Pickens County Progress: "
North Georgia project holds rich promise for last golden warblers," DNR release about habitat restoration project with USFS for golden-winged warblers. (Dec. 2)
WALB-TV (Albany): "
Bald eagle released in South Georgia," about returning rehabilitated eagle in Doughtery County. (Dec. 1)
Gloucester (Mass.)
Daily Times: "
High hopes for a strong whale calving season," about right whale migration, calving and winter whereabouts. (Nov. 27)
Savannah Morning News:
"Holiday gift ideas for people who love the outdoors," DNR release promoting items including donations to the Nongame Wildlife Conservation Fund. (Nov. 25)
Augusta Chronicle: "
Cogon grass confiscated at Savannah port," about more than 60 interceptions of cogon grass by U.S. Customs since mid-October at the port of Savannah. (Nov. 24)
Savannah Morning News: "
Right whales return to local waters," about right whales migrating back to Southeast. (Nov. 26) DNR release in
Florida Times-Union. (Nov. 24)
Florida Times-Union: "
Activists want bigger 'critical’ area off Florida-Georgia coast for right whales," about five groups' petition to feds to re-evaluate and enlarge designated critical areas. (Nov. 24)
Through Jan. 5: 110th
Christmas Bird Count. Find a
count near you.
Feb. 12-13: 22nd annual
Weekend for Wildlife, fundraiser for DNR Nongame Conservation Section, Sea Island.
Feb. 12-14: Georgia Wildlife Federation
Great Outdoors Show, Georgia National Fairgrounds, Perry.
Feb. 12-15:
Great Backyard Bird Count.
Feb. 19-20: 10th annual
Georgia River Network conference, Jekyll Island Convention Center, Jekyll Island.
March 19-20:
Environmental Education Alliance Conference, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw.
Submit events.
Photo credits (
from top):
* Right whale sculpture closeup.
Bryan England/4-H Tidelands Nature Center* Breeding Bird Atlas cover and pages.
University of Georgia Press
* GPCA volunteer Linda Lamb, left, and DNR's Suzi Mersmann count individuals of Radford mint on Townsend WMA in late October.
Christa Frangiamore * Radford mint.
Christa Frangiamore* Loggerhead shrike.
Todd Schneider/Ga. DNR* Ellijay river with goldline darter (inset).
Brett Albanese/Ga. DNR
* Tagged red knot.
Brad Winn/Ga. DNR* Strawberry bush.
Terry Johnson * An inflatable right whale calf attracts visitors during the first Right Whale Festival at Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
Kristina Summers/Ga. DNR * Right whale sculpture at 4-H Tidelands Nature Center.
Bryan England/TidelandsGeorgia Wild
volume 2, issue 12
Georgia Wild is produced by the Georgia DNR
Wildlife Resources Division and focused on conserving nongame species, those not legally trapped, fished for or hunted. The newsletter is delivered free to subscribers.
Subscribe or see previous issues.
Wildlife Resources'
Nongame Conservation Section conserves and protects Georgia's diversity of native animals and plants and their habitats through research, management and education. The section depends for funding on grants,
donations and fundraisers such as
nongame license plate sales, the
Give Wildlife a Chance state income tax checkoff and
Weekend for Wildlife. Call (770) 761-3035 for details on direct donations. The nongame plates -- the bald eagle and ruby-throated hummingbird -- are available for a one-time $25 fee at all county tag offices, by checking the wildlife license plate box on mail-in registration forms or through online renewal. Also,
check herefor information on TERN, the friends group of the Nongame Conservation Section.
Looking back
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(Note: Because of recent Web changes, some issues are not available. Those issues will be posted soon.)