May 2009
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Interstate sandhills work
* Our worthy
state bird*
Barring all but bats
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Each option supports the Nongame Conservation Section, which receives no state funds to conserve Georgia’s nongame wildlife, native plants and natural habitats. Details: (770) 761-3035.
WILD Facts
All toads are frogs, but not all
frogs are
toads. While most frogs have moist, smooth skin and long legs for leaping, typical toads have dry, warty skin and short legs for hopping. Despite common belief, touching toads does not result in warts; only viruses cause warts. But when toads are handled with any pressure, toxins may ooze out from their skin as a defense mechanism. This liquid sometimes causes mild irritation, especially if you rub your eyes or mouth after holding a toad. For this reason, either leave toads alone or wash your hands after handling them.
In educationThe Georgia Forestry Foundation is looking for 30 fifth- through 12th-grade teachers for
the foundation's annual Teacher Conservation Workshop. “Exploring Forestry and Wildlife in Georgia,” set for June 22-26 at
Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, centers on conservation topics related to forestry benefits, from growth cycles to managing trees for wildlife habitat. Workshop partners include the
Georgia Forestry Commission, the University of Georgia’s
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and the
Georgia Wildlife Resources Division. Participants will be certified in
Project Learning Tree,
Project WILD and
Project WET. Three professional learning units (PLUs) are available. Registration is $25. Sponsors cover the rest.
Register here. Details: Carla Rapp (478-992-8110; or Walter Lane (770-784-3062;
Read about last year's workshop.
D.C. talkDebate on the lead global warming bill, the
American Clean Energy and Security Act, centers on how carbon emissions will be cut. But included is language to dedicate billions to conserve natural resources. The
National Wildlife Federation’s Peter LaFontaine explains why dedicated vs. appropriated funding is key. The latter goes through congressional appropriations committees. Dedicated funding “flows directly from the Treasury to state, tribal and federal agencies.” LaFontaine says dedicated dollars benefit natural resource conservation because stable funding is critical for the big investments and long-term planning ecosystem projects need. Crucial inter-agency cooperation is also easier when agencies aren’t competing for funding.

Up close
Shoals spiderlilly
Hymenocallis coronaria
Also called: Cahaba lily in Alabama;
Catawba lily in South Carolina.
Description: Perennial herb, rooted in soil, standing out of water, growing from a large bulb. The one to three flower stalks per plant may reach 38 inches or taller, each sporting six or more white showy flowers with yellowish centers.
Habitat: Found in major streams and rivers of the lower Piedmont in rocky shoals and in cracks of exposed bedrock. Plants can be completely submerged during flooding, the bulbs anchored among the rocks.
Range: Found mostly near the Fall Line in central Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Recorded from eight counties in Georgia; 12 populations known.
Flowering time: Mid-May to early June. Flowers open in late afternoon and wither the next day. They emit a strong fragrance. Usually, one opens per day.
Fruit: Olive-shaped, dark green seeds often germinate before falling into the water, where they quickly sink.
ID issues: The
shoals spiderlily is found only in rocky beds of larger streams, its bloom peak is in late-May, and its leaves and stems are more robust than other native spiderlilies. (Those spiderlilies are shorter, have varied flowering periods and are found in swamps, floodplains or moist hardwood slopes.)
Conservation status: State-protected as threatened. Rare throughout range because of significant habitat loss.
Threats: Altered stream flows, such as through damming; runoff that degrades water quality, particularly through sedimentation.
Looking back: Naturalist-explorer
William Bartram made the first recorded observation of the shoals spiderlily in 1773. He saw it growing in the Savannah River at the “cataracts of Augusta.”
Sources: “Protected Animals of Georgia,” (Georgia DNR); “Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Georgia” (Linda G. Chafin)
Ranger reports
Strandings response: With the rate of sea turtle strandings surging this year, rangers have stepped up patrols and trawler boardings to check for compliance with turtle excluder device regulations. Here's a look at strandings for the first 18 weeks of the past five years: 2009 (54); 2008 (18); 2007 (24); 2006 (29); 2005 (10); 2004 (25).
Tortoise stop: A driver pulled over in Effingham County May 14 may think twice before putting a
gopher tortoise in the back of his pickup again. Alerted by a Georgia State Patrol trooper, Sgt. William Vickers questioned the driver, who admitted to taking the live tortoise from property being logged by the company he worked for. Vickers advised him of state and federal laws protecting gopher tortoises. He also issued a warning and confiscated the tortoise, releasing it in suitable habitat on state lands.
Terrapin theft: The heist of five juvenile diamondback terrapins from
Tybee Island Marine Science Center ended on a good note, at least for four of the protected turtles. They were recovered minutes after the center’s staff led police to two suspects on the beach. Police noticed the sand moving: It was the turtles, buried near a cooler partly filled with mud and water,
according to new accounts. The Hinesville residents each face four felony theft and four cruelty to animals misdemeanor charges. Their motive? “Stupidity,” Tybee Police Chief Jimmy Price said. The suspects had asked at the center about setting up a saltwater aquarium. No word yet on the fifth turtle. The Marine Science Center plans to open a new diamondback terrapin exhibit next month, a project supported in part by a
Nongame Educational and Watchable Wildlife grant.
Nongame in the news
The (Dalton) Daily News: “
Georgia DNR workers honored,” DNR release about three Nongame Conservation Section employees lauded for work disentangling right whales. (May 20)
Savannah Morning News: “
Turtle-napping busted,” about the theft of juvenile diamondback terrapins from the Tybee Island Marine Science Center. (May 19)
The (Columbia, S.C.) State: “
Biologist helps bald eagles soar,” about eagle populations in S.C. and retired state DNR biologist who worked to save eagles. (May 16)
The Florida Times-Union (and others via AP): “
Manatee found dead in Brunswick creek,” about first manatee death reported in Georgia this year. (May 16)
The (Gainesville) Times (and others via AP): “
Birds build second nest on Bolding Bridge,” about osprey pair returning after DOT removed first nest. (May 16)
The Log (alumni magazine, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources): “
Fresh find” (pdf), about Warnell students and DNR biologists finding what may be a mussel last collected in 1958. (Spring 2009)
The Brunswick News: “
Boaters urged to avoid manatees,” about DNR cautions about manatees returning to coastal waters. (May 15) (NBC WLTV 12 and ABC WJXX 25, Jacksonville and others via AP): “
GA spotters see first sea turtle nests of season,” about discovery of first loggerhead and leather back nests of 2009. (May 12)
The Fishing Wire (and others via AP): “
New video warns against illegal feeding of dolphins,” DNR release on new PSA about dangers of feeding dolphins.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer: “
Rare spider lilies bloom on Flat Shoals Creek,” about landowner who opens his property for public viewing of the plants. (May 9) “
Country Cuckoos in statewide competition,” about Bainbridge team’s award-winning work in the Youth Birding Competition. (May 9)
WABE PBS (Atlanta): “
Photo contest promotes ecology, conservancy,” about start of Great Georgia Photo SWAP project led by Georgia Conservancy and promoting the State Wildlife Action Plan. (May 5)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “
Kids count birds in DNR’s contest,” Charlie Seabrook column on the Youth Birding Competition and a team including biologist Todd Schneider's sons. (May 2)
The (Gainesville) Times: "
Wreck on bridge earlier this year causes DOT to remove ospreys' home," about dot removing osprey nest on bridge for repair work. (May 2)
Monticello News: “
Piedmont student wins Charlie Elliott art contest,” about fourth-grader Heidi Cashwell placing first in elementary division of Youth Birding Competition T-shirt Art Contest. (April 30)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “
Site a bonanza for avid birders,” Charlie Seabrook column about birding at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. (April 27)
ugaresearch: “
To save a mussel, find its fish,” about DNR/UGA project to find the host fish of the Altamaha spinymussel, among other goals. (Spring 2009)
The Florida Times-Union: “
Uncharted: Biologists find rare ecosystem on Jekyll,” about DNR biologists documenting unclassified maritime habitat as part of the Coastal Georgia Land Conservation Initiative. (April 26)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “
Cars not turtles’ only hazard,” Charlie Seabrook column about commercial harvest threat to freshwater turtles. (April 25)
Coastal Courier (Hinesville): “
WILD facts: In the shell,” Linda May feature about turtle shells. (April 20) (blog): “
In April, life blooms rich ‘in the pits’ at Piedmont outcrops,” DNR release about granite outcrops. (April 18)
The Florida Times-Union:
“Altamaha flooding: It's almost all benefit,” about how high water nourishes ecosystem. (April 15)
WSB radio (and others via AP): “
Bald eagle population soars,” about DNR survey results showing an increase in nesting. (April 15)
Sowega Live: “
Decatur County ties for highest known eagle nesting sites in Georgia,” about DNR bald eagle survey numbers. (April 14)
Thomasville Times-Enterprise: “
Nature enthusiasts fly to Pinewoods Bird Festival,” about seventh annual Pinewoods Bird Festival at Pebble Hill Plantation. (April 11)
CNN: “
Endangered right whales appear to be on the rebound,” about record right whale calving season. (April 3)
Resources online
June 13:
Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Revival and River Race, Roswell.
June 6-14: National Fishing and Boating Week.
June 6, June 13 are free fishing days in Georgia (no license needed).
List of kids' fishing events.
June 20-26:
Paddle Georgia 2009 (Coosawattee and Oostanaula rivers). *
June 23-24:
Georgia DNR Board of Natural Resources committee meetings (1 p.m. Feb. 24), monthly meeting (9 a.m. Feb. 25), DNR board room, Atlanta.
Aug. 25-26:
Georgia DNR Board of Natural Resources committee meetings (1 p.m. Feb. 24), monthly meeting (9 a.m. Feb. 25), DNR board room, Atlanta.
Sept. 19:
International Coastal Cleanup Day.
Photo credits (from top):
* Brown thrasher (masthead).
Todd Schneider/Ga. DNR* Fishes of Georgia Web site logo.
Carrie Straight/UGA* Georgia nongame license plates.
Georgia DNR
* Bud Freeman (left) and Brett Albanese (far right) sample Cane Creek.
Kristina Summers/Ga. DNR
* Dwarf oak-evergreen shrub forest at Ohoopee Dunes Natural Area.
Mark Del Santro ("With Still Small Voices They Speak")* Shoals spiderlily.
Lisa Kruse/Ga. DNR* Striped newt.
Dirk J. Stevenson* Brown thrasher.
Todd Schneider/Ga. DNR* Diamondback terrapin.
Andrew Grosse/UGA* Kristin Bobo (left) and others welding gate at Chickamauga Creek cave.
Kristina Summers/Ga. DNR* Group looking at Ohoopee Dunes map: (seated, left to right) Jeannie Buttrum of Georgia Department of Economic Development; Nongame Assistant Chief Jon Ambrose of DNR Wildlife Resources Division, state Rep. Larry "Butch" Parrish, Swainsboro/Emanuel County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bill Rogers Jr. ; (standing, from left) DNR Game Management Region 6 Supervisor Chris Baumann, DNR fisheries biologist Bryant Bowen, Chief Engineer
David Freedman of State Parks and Historic Sites, DNR technician Bobby Sanders, DNR RFC Jamey O'Brien and
DNR botanist Mincy Moffett.
* Biologist Thomas Floyd showing pine snake to fifth-graders in Dacula.
Joy Wolfe/Fort Daniel Elementary SchoolGeorgia Wild
volume 2, issue 5
Georgia Wild is produced by the
Georgia Wildlife Resources Division and focused on conserving nongame species, those not legally trapped, fished for or hunted. The newsletter is delivered free to subscribers.
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Wildlife Resources'
Nongame Conservation Section conserves and protects Georgia's diversity of native animals and plants and their habitats through research, management and education. The section receives no state funds, depending on grants,
donations and fundraisers such as
nongame license plate sales, the
Give Wildlife a Chance state income tax checkoff and Weekend for Wildlife. Call (770) 761-3035 for details on direct donations. The nongame plates -- the bald eagle/U.S. flag and ruby-throated hummingbird -- are available for a one-time $25 fee at all county tag offices, by checking the wildlife license plate box on mail-in registration forms or through online renewal.